It’s been six weeks since I began this journey at the Mount Madonna Retreat Center. Just to clear up some questions for those of you who asked or thought about asking. 1. Clothing IS required by all staff, residents, and visitors. 2. This retreat center IS NOT a cult. However, it does bare a strong resemblance to one of those hippie communes from back in the 70’s where peace, love, and making hammocks in the middle of the mountains helped those who wished to stay off "the grid"and far away from Uncle Sam.
Now that I have answered those super important questions, I can now get to the good stuff. The juicy bits of my new found life on the mountain. The bliss I experienced after a good cry, yoga class revelation, or awakening in the forest. Now, I can tell you about the friends I have made, literally from all over the world. The healing, the joy, and the reconnection I am experiencing with my Higher Power, Spirit, My Heart, and Humanity.
Even before I post about all these amazing people, experiences, and yoga this post is just going to be plain and simple. However, not easy in the least bit. I am proud to announce...I am getting my mojo back! Every day, I feel more sparkle and more shine. Every morning I wake up with more gratitude for my life. Every night I can end my day with a smile on my face, knowing that I am an amazing woman! Like I said, it's not easy...but it's simple. Posting affirmations on my door and allowing others to get to know the real Kathleen, no matter what I feel like that work. With all this work, pain, and even laughter, I have learned that this inside job is the best job around!
With every OM I chant with my YSC (Yoga, Service, and Community) friends. With every tear that runs down my face. With each new friendship, meal, and yoga class I share with my Mount Madonna family, I continue to heal and grow. One step…every day…I come back to ME. I come back to what IS. I...come back to LIFE.
Peace, Love, and Namaste :)
Please check out my pictures by clicking on my facebook link!